Utah Iris Society
The Iris blossom is the emblem associated with royalty, heraldry, banners and “pointing the way.” The iris takes its name from the Greek word for rainbow. Iris is a genus of 260-300 species of flowering plants with showy flowers. Today’s irises with their array of colors and varieties are not your grandmother’s iris of long ago. Irises have been bred in a multitude of shapes and sizes, both bearded and beardless, ranging from the Miniature Dwarf Bearded (MDB) at a mere six inches tall to the Tall Bearded (TB) which can reach heights of forty inches tall.
The Utah Iris Society is composed of members of all ages and is affiliated with the American Iris Society (AIS), with local shows conducted by AIS rules. The Utah Iris Society is open to everyone who is interested in the beauty of this easy-to-grow plant, often referred to as the “poor man’s orchid.”
Meetings are held at the Sugar House Garden Center the 4th Monday of March and April at 7 PM. Meetings are not only a time for members to socialize but also are educational, featuring guest speakers and slide shows of members’ iris in bloom. New members are welcome. Annual membership dues in the Utah Iris Society are $10.00.
Free iris shows held at the Sugar House Garden Center are open to the public and are usually held from 1 PM to 5 PM on the 1st and 3rd Saturday in May. The shows feature not only individual specimen iris but also artistic arrangements. The Utah Iris Society holds an annual iris sale at the Sugar House Garden Center, usually on the last Saturday in July from 10 AM to 1 PM. For more information on membership, upcoming events, officers, and iris flowers, see our website.