Utah Dahlia Society
A chance meeting at the Utah State Fair by a couple of dahlia lovers started a friendship that led to the formation of the Utah Dahlia Society in 2008. Dahlias are a fascinatingly beautiful flower, which can be giant (over 12 inches wide) or miniature (1 inch wide). There are so many varieties and colors that it is impossible to ever get tired of these wonderful flowers. Dahlias are fun to grow and are a real “wow” in any garden.
The Utah Dahlia Society is a group of great people who enjoy growing, sharing and learning more about their favorite flower and anything garden related. Though we are a fairly new floral society, we have a strong membership that is diverse and wonderful. Our oldest member is in her 80′s and our youngest is a teenager. Our members live as far north as Logan, and as far south as Payson. We meet every other month from February to October, usually meeting at the Garden Center at Sugar House Park in Salt Lake City on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m., though during summer months we like to meet at members’ homes to enjoy their gardens. We grow and maintain a dahlia garden at the Granger Christian Church (3200 W. 4100 South). Visitors are welcome; come see dahlias in bloom from August until the first frost.
New members are welcome. We hold an annual tuber sale each spring on the last Saturday in April at the Sugar House Garden Center. Our annual flower show is held the last weekend in September at the Sugar House Garden Center. For more information, see our website.