Alt. Garden Club Meeting March 7, 2018: Roses
By Geoff Ellis
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Alternative Garden Club, Events

It finally looks like winter, yet it’s time to start thinking about spring and how to take care of the beautiful things that will (hopefully) be blooming in our gardens this summer.
The next meeting of the Alternative Garden Club will be Wednesday, March 7 at 7:30 PM in the Sugar House Garden Center. The topic will be “The Wonderful World of Roses.” Have you ever wondered why there are so many varieties of roses and where they came from? Come find out more about the history of the world’s most favorite flower and learn how to make sense of the amazing selection that is available to us.
Then the next week, on Thursday, March 15 at 5:30 PM outside the Garden Center, we will be treated to a demonstration by experts from the Utah Rose Society on how to correctly prune your rose bushes.
We hope that you will be able to join us for both of these activities!