Driggs Garden produces a bountiful harvest

April and May 2021 were busy times at Howard R. Driggs Elementary School in Holladay. Many of the children were back to face-to-face learning after the pandemic, and they and their teachers were in the process of planting their outdoor classroom. The children went home for the summer and returned to find a veritable jungle […]

Puncture Vine Control

Puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris) is one of the most annoying and destructive weeds in Utah. An invasive plant originally from the Mediterranean region, it produces the sharp four-pointed “goatheads” that stick in shoes and dog paws and puncture bicycle tires. It is a sprawling, prostrate plant that likes bare, open, sunny areas (such as roadsides). […]

Purge Your Spurge!

Myrtle spurge, also known as donkey’s tail or burro’s tail, is a drought-tolerant plant native to Europe and Asia Minor. It was brought to the western U.S. as an ornamental, but unfortunately it is highly invasive. When ripe, its seeds pop out of their capsules and can travel as far as 15 feet. A patch […]